Work Station window - CC tab data fields

AIMsi interfaces with three credit/debit card processing software:  1) TSYS Merchant Solutions; 2) OpenEdge and 3) Vantiv Integrated Payments.  OpenEdge and Vantiv Integrated Payments not only provide the software interface but are the processor as well.  TSYS Merchant Solutions is software only.  If you need to store credit card information in AIMsi, i.e. for autopays (Rentals and/or Lessons) or 'card on file' customers, or you process Active-e C2B web payments, the two software/processor options are OpenEdge and Vantiv Integrated Payments.  You cannot store credit card information in AIMsi with TSYS Merchant Solutions.

For assistance with completing the 'CC' tab in "Workstations", refer to "Credit Card Processing".